Jobs & Missions

Simplify your jobs offers management

Offers & Announces

Getting the right candidates is the most effective route to making a great hire.


With Nicoka ATS you will manage your available positions, specifying the description of the profile your are looking for, the requirements of the job and the benefits of it. The compensation model, the start date...

All these data are stored in a history accessible at any time and according to a specific user profile.


When you publish an offer is accessible in your Nicoka portal, you can use this link to communicate in your emails, in your posts on social networks, your candidates will be able to apply directly online.

When a new candidate applies for an announcement, you will be notified by e-mail and in Nicoka. You can also send a confirmation email to your candidate.

If you want to use your own site, simply use the Nicoka API to display your publications and allow your candidates to apply directly from it.

Application Form
Application Form

Thanks to Nicoka you will be able to create your own application forms, set rules, exclude candidates who do not meet your requirements.

Manage all information related to your offers or your missions
Manage your announces in one place
Track application easily
Define your own recruitment processes
Access your data with the Nicoka API
Access data securely, regardless of location

Start your free 7 days trial

No download or credit card required



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