Manage your Customer Relationship

Head Hunter & Recruitment Agency

Managing leads, contacts and customers

Depending on your needs, you can enrich your Nicoka ATS experience by choosing the CRM module. It will allow you to manage your exchanges with your customers and contacts. If you want to go even further, the module Nicoka Sales will allow you to generate your quotes, your contracts, your invoices, follow your receipts ...

Mass Actions

Nicoka allows you to manage your billing process. You create quotations, transform them into a purchase order or directly into an invoice. In one click you send them by mail to your customers.

Use our PDF templates or create your own with our document editor. Rest assured, you will not need training, just drag the information you need to make them visible.

Send your invoices via email
Manage all your contact information
Manage your exchanges
Create your quote
Manage your billing
Track your payments
Send reminders

Start your free 7 days trial

No download or credit card required

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Reporting & Analytics

Build your own report, evaluate your activity...


Applicant Tracking

Manage your candidate pipe with your own process...